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As on : 26 Dec, 2024 | 15:29
Current Month Next Month Roll Over
Open Int Change OI
Open Int Change OI
Today Previous Total %
AARTIIND 6315000 -122000 11183000 168000 122000 7076000 7198000 46.95
ABB 354125 -1500 1397000 4375 1500 676375 677875 49.33
ABBOTINDIA 14960 -40 66240 120 40 45040 45080 56.75
ABCAPITAL 18675900 45900 45441000 388800 45900 35183700 35229600 55.64
ABFRL 8936200 -49400 50312600 332800 49400 44272800 44322200 78.50
ACC 2227800 0 2889900 9300 0 1973700 1973700 44.30
ADANIENSOL 2427500 -2500 3543750 9375 2500 2681875 2684375 48.82
ADANIENT 4809900 -10500 13064100 27000 10500 9335700 9346200 55.32
ADANIGREEN 3625500 -750 6660750 76500 750 3716625 3717375 46.21
ADANIPORTS 7474800 -800 21151600 258000 800 14580400 14581200 56.17
ALKEM 380300 -600 807100 3800 600 552200 552800 49.04
AMBUJACEM 8874900 -9900 29580300 458100 9900 19786500 19796400 57.88
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