Investment in its wholly owned subsidiary CEF for financing its capital exp requirements for the greenfield projects to develop an assembly unit to assemble sysytems and plants for treatment of water waste and related membrane modules
Investment in its wholly ownded subsidiary Rochem Sepration Systems (India) Pvt Ltd ("RSSPL") for financing its capital exp requirements for the brown field project to expand the mfg facilities storage and supporting activities
Funding capital exp requirements of the company for purchase of plant and machinery
Investment in its wholly ownded subsidiary concord enviro FZE for prepayment or repayment in full or in part of all or a portion of certain outstanding borrowings availed by CEF
Investment in its wholly ownded subsidiary CEF for funding working capital exp of CEF
Investment in its joint venture Roserve Enviro Pvt Ltd to grow its pay per use/pay as you treat business
Investment in technology and other growth initiatiives for access to new markets
General corporate purposes