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Reporting Date Equity / Debt Gross Purchase (Rs) Gross Sale (Rs) Net Purchase (Rs)
20-Dec-24 Equity 3370.28 2651.69 718.59
20-Dec-24 Debt 3526.07 2861.06 665.01
19-Dec-24 Equity 11180.2 8402.89 2777.31
19-Dec-24 Debt 15153.07 17761.28 -2608.21
18-Dec-24 Equity 11080.32 7672.99 3407.33
18-Dec-24 Debt 12556.49 13786.02 -1229.53
17-Dec-24 Equity 9139.58 7050.01 2089.57
17-Dec-24 Debt 12242.6 14910.21 -2667.61
16-Dec-24 Equity 6708.07 7178.58 -470.51
16-Dec-24 Debt 5910.41 10813.28 -4902.87
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Barjeel Geojit Financial Services L.L.C
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